Her Motorcycle Adventures
Travel & Events
Have you ever wondered if there’s more to life? You know, the endless 9 to 5. Traffic jams. Sucking up to people you don’t like so you can pay the bills. The very prospect of adventure is long gone while we crack open yet another TV dinner? There’s an element in every one of our lives called adventure and it’s missing for most of us. I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life and none more so than walking away from my motorcycle. Looking back, it’s like life stopped the day I turned my back on adventure. That feeling of freedom that only a motorcycle can provide. After 20 plus years away from motorcycling I sourced a motorcycle and set out on what could be my greatest adventure yet. I’m going to ride all of Australia. And when that’s done. Further abroad! I'm going to share it all with you. So join me on this adventure. Together we’ll see what happens. And we’ll get to see some mighty fine scenery on the way. Click subscribe and we’ll start this adventure right now.