Sadhguru TV Hindi (Unofficial)
People & Blogs
This channel is an attempt to spread Sadhguru's word to the masses and create awareness so that we all can go on a path which takes us to a beautiful world where humanity is the highest value, and live a life free from divisions of borders, religion,gender and race. We humans as a species should learn to live in harmony with other species of this world and all this is what Sadhguru is trying to do through his work around the globe. Sadhguru videos are usually long so we try to extract to the point meaning of the talk without distorting and present it to the audience for education and inspiration Why is Sadhguru Offering his videos for free - इस चैनल पर आपको सध्गुरु के नए वीडियोस देखने को मिलेंगे। सध्गुर एक भारतीय योगी , रहस्यवादी और लेखक है. उनके द्वारा स्थापित ' ईशा योग' संसथान विश्व में शिक्षा और पर्यावरण के लिए काम करती है. २०१७ में भारत सर्कार ने उन्हें ' पद्मा विभूषण' से सन्मानित किया था. चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कीजिये और नए वीडियोस देखते रहिये।