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YouTube Keyword Research

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Rethinking YouTube Keyword Research with Estimated Views

Traditional keyword research tools often fall short when it comes to YouTube. They rely on search volume data, which Google doesn't provide specifically for YouTube. As a result, creators are left guessing about the true potential of their target keywords.

Introducing Estimated Views

At ytRank, we've developed a more accurate and meaningful metric called Estimated Views. This game-changing metric takes into account the fact that the majority of YouTube views come from the platform's recommendation system, rather than direct searches.

How Estimated Views Works

Our cutting-edge algorithm analyzes a wide range of factors, including:

  • Past video performance for the keyword
  • Audience engagement with related content
  • Topic relevance and trend data

Benefits of Using Estimated Views

Estimated Views provides a much clearer picture of a keyword's potential reach and impact on YouTube. Using our innovative keyword research tool, you can:

  • Discover high-potential keywords and phrases
  • Make informed decisions about your content strategy
  • Focus your efforts on topics that matter most to your audience
  • Drive more views and accelerate channel growth

Ready to revolutionize your YouTube strategy?

Sign up now to access our powerful Estimated Views data and take your channel to the next level!