4 years on a bike
Travel & Events
BECOME MY PATRON! Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/4yearsonabike I started my trip in July 2018. I am cycling 4 years through the following countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philipines, Australia, Madagascar, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Cuba, Mexico, USA and Canada. During the trip, I met with unforeseen circumstances and expenses. That is why I am looking for patrons who would support the creation of video productions from every country.