Bittersweet Gamers
Greetings, gentle viewers, and welcome to the Bittersweet Gamers! We're a gaming channel with a primary focus on story-driven, character-based games. We may move slowly, but we are thorough and remain 100% engaged with every game we play. We aim to entertain with a combination of insight and our unique humor. So stick around, relax, and let's enjoy a few great stories together! Currently, our release schedule is Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday, alternating between our two main series, and we try to release one or two extras of some other (less popular) series every week. If we miss a day, sometimes we make it up. In the event of a climactic moment in a game, like a class trial in Danganronpa, we usually release the whole thing over a weekend. We, uh, can't keep that pace up normally, though, we'll die.