cathy on skincare
Beauty & Makeup
Hey skincare nerds! 👋 I’m Cathy, and I'm passionate about skin care - what works, what doesn’t, what’s worth it and what’s trash. And I’ll be posting videos about my well-researched skin care reviews, favorites, dupes and routines once a week. On my channel, we get really deep into the ingredients! I believe skincare isn’t about achieving an impossible beauty standard (like dolphin skin) 🐬, it’s about taking care of the biggest organ in your body and feeling confident in your own skin 😘😘. 👉 So hit subscribe so you can learn more about how to take care of your skin and the notification bell to make sure you don’t miss out on any of my informative videos! DISCLAIMER: I’m a skin care enthusiast and consumer, I’m not a dermatologist and I don’t make any medical claims. Please consult with a dermatologist or your doctor if you have any medical conditions that require medical attention!