Cruising Lealea
Our goal has always been to challenge ourselves and our vessel and by so doing learn and grow; to share our experiences and the lessons learned through our videos and written logs and to promote small boat cruising. Now we have found our place in Southeast Alaska. The videos we have produced so far cover three trans-Pacific crossings, several haul outs and refits, rough sailing down the Pacific Coast, San Francisco Bay, living aboard in the tropics and in Alaska, Cruising in Alaska and Island Life. If nothing else, we hope you will enjoy and learn from out mistakes. Adventure: 1. a bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain outcome. Cruising in a small boat like our Albin Vega 27, Lealea, has offered plenty of opportunities for adventure. A lot of them are on video here. Join us and learn what we've done right and what we, perhaps, should have done differently. or follow us on Facebook or Twitter @CruisingLealea.