Doctor Alex
Doctor Alex Hi, Alex Leithes here, sometimes known as Dr Alex. Well, initially this channel was full of random bits of fluff, but I was persuaded to get off my backside and create some more vids and with more purpose. Videos/series projects include: Top Fencing Based Sword Fighting Films. The Doctor Reads The Doctor By The Doctor - Inspired by a dyslexic friend and fellow YouTuber, the Anti-trekker (Michael J. Crawford), I do spoken word versions of my published stories. The Marvelous Musical Marlin Museum - various bits of Marlin equipment (guitars, amps etc.) overviews and demos. The Marvelous Musical Mayhem of The Frankenorgan - a kind of organ Turducken; a Vermona stuffed into a gutted Hammond 8022KM topped with a Yamaha Clavinova 810S. Yum! The Marvelous Musical Mayhem of other random bits of music kit.