Dr Alexander Clarke
Described as "Iron Ships & Irn Bru" by Bruce Hinz (09/04/2020)... Naval Historian, talking often about ships... occasionally unboxing some History - for any questions, please ask in the lives, comment or tweet at @AC_NavalHistory or contact me on Discord ACNavalHistory#3301. According to my Ship Shape Profile (written by 'John Bull') https://www.ship-shape.org.uk/about-shipshape/ Alex Clarke is a military historian with an extensive knowledge of British naval history. Since completing his PhD, he has been writing papers mainly about cruisers and destroyers in the 1920s, 1930s, 1950s and even present day for conferences, journals and a range of websites. He is the author of Tribals, Battles and Darings: The Genesis of the Modern Destroyer, available from Pen & Sword Books.