Dr. Brandon Beaber
I am a board-certified neurologist with subspecialty training in multiple sclerosis and other immunological diseases of the nervous system, and I post new videos about MS every Wednesday Check out my book “Resilience in the Face of Multiple Sclerosis” FREE on Amazon: https://amazon.com/dp/B07WP7H5LK It's about 5 people with MS who live incredible lives, the science and psychology of resilience, mindfulness, and ho’oponopono. Paperback priced to generate $0 royalty. You can find my publications on MS epidemiology on pubmed here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Brandon+Beaber Follow me on twitter where I regularly post on MS news and research: https://twitter.com/Brandon_Beaber To the extent that I endorse any lifestyle change, behavioral intervention, or supplements, the viewer should consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the safety and efficacy of the intervention in light of their individualized information.