News & Politics
Editoreal is a news and entertainment platform committed to reporting the latest news and happenings relevant to Malayalees the world over. At a time when tinted truths, frivolous assumptions and deliberately sensationalized reports permeate media space, Editoreal maintains a journalistic alertness rising from a stainless sense of social responsibility and selfless dedication. Editoreal is the first localized digital media born in the Middle East, where the most number of Indian expatriates live. It is our mission to move ahead, upholding independent thinking and an unbiased, gender-equal and secular approach, while making use of the limitless possibilities of the digital era of news. For Editoreal, journalism is indeed a socio-political activity that defines its purpose by taking sides. Only that, it is always done by staying by the side of what is ethical. And that, indeed, is the hallmark of our story.