Getting Hot With Hui & Ya 热辣回娅
Food & Cooking
To our supporters and viewers, Since we left Sichuan and Chongqing, China, it’s been over a decade living in Australia. In these years, we’ve never stop attempting to recreate authentic hot food from traditional recipes, but it’s subject to our limited skills and restricted materials. Anyway it has been fun, and behind the scenes there have been many many fails and sometimes some surprising results. Your likes, comments, and subscriptions will definitely support us creating more contents. Warmest regards, Hui and Ya 致各位粉丝和看官: 自从当初我们离开四川和重庆,如今已在澳大利亚生活了十几个年头。 我们一直不停在尝试把家乡食物的味道还原在异地。当然,不仅仅是我们自己的水平有限,在当地很多原材料也参差不齐。 所以这些年来,收集着失败多过于成功的经验,每天做着家乡菜依然都还算是件开心事。 话不多说,你们的点赞,评论,和订阅就是我们持续创作的动力。 再次感谢 回与娅