Learni is an animated learning entertainment channel that tries to be funny. This is a safe place for kids and adults to learn and be entertained at the same time. We have no political or cultural agenda, we just love learning and want kids to have fun. This channel is a great resource for homeschool or after school learning. We cover subjects such as history, science, and even self-improvement content aimed at adults. The videos are made during my free time and therefore they take a few weeks (usually 6-12) to publish (animating is time consuming 😬). This channel is a family effort between the writing, editing, voiceover work and music, everyone in our home does their part to make the videos great for you and yours. Please subscribe to help us out and like the videos you find helpful or entertaining. You can also DONATE USING THE SUPER THANKS option next to the Download button the video screen if you want to support us directly. Thanks!