Lennon The Bunny
Pets & Animals
✰ ABOUT ME ✰ ➭ My name is Lennon and I'm a lady rabbit! ➭ I'm 9-years-old and my momma, Lorelei Carlson, makes videos to help others learn about rabbit care. ➭ L.A. born and raised 🌴 ➭ Spayed & Potty trained ➭ Breed: Havana mix / Vienna gene ✰ FOLLOW US ✰ ➭ Lennon's instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lennonthebunny ➭ Lorelei's instagram: http://www.instagram.com/loreleicarlson ➭ 2nd youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/LoreleiCarlsonTV ✰ IMPORTANT ✰ ➭ Bunnies are lots of hard work and they deserve love and respect ➭ They are not recommended for small children ➭ They don't belong in cages ➭ Consider adopting from your local rabbit rescue or shelter ✰ DISCLAIMER ✰ ➭ Lorelei is not a vet. Please contact a rabbit-savvy vet for any medical emergencies. ➭ Always monitor your rabbits around new products or environmental changes. * Want us to try your product? Send us an email! *