Local Silver Mint
Finance & Business
Local Silver Mint is America's fastest growing silver mint. Founded by Green Beret Veteran "Silver Dave" after discovering the importance of silver in Afghanistan. Our focus is on silver for barters and trades, additionally unique silver items which can be used for a function beyond conventional silver investing. We use creativity and resourcefulness as our primary assets. We have invented most of our own technology and/or built much of our equipment, tools and machines. Join us as we share our adventure and experience with you! #silverstacking #silverbullion #silver #buyingsilver #silvercoins #silverprice #preciousmetals #silverbars #stackingsilver #gold #silverrounds #silverstack #investing #silverstacker #silverinvesting #silverdealer #bulliondealer #inflation #silverstackingstrategy #investinginsilver #investinsilver #economiccollapse #centralbanks #federalreserve #goldcoins #silvernews #silverseeker #silvereagle #junksilver #stacksilver #buysilver #bullion #cash