Nathanael Fosaaen
My name is Nathanael Fosaaen. I've been a professional archaeologist since I graduated from Appalachian State University in 2012, and I received my M.A. From UT Knoxville in 2022. I've worked on and occasionally supervised archaeological excavations from Alaska to Ireland, but most of my work has been concentrated in the Southeast of the United States. Over the years I've become increasingly frustrated by the lack of attention that the accomplishments of Native American Peoples get in both the global academic community, and ESPECIALLY the general public. So, this channel is designed to provide anyone who is interested in archaeology an easy starting point for as many subjects as I can think of to provide. Instagram: nfosaaen_archaeology IF YOU HAVE A SITE OR ARTIFACTS TO SHOW, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR STATE ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY, NOT ME. They will know the material of your region better than I will, and will have at least as much experience and training.