Pondscapes of Charlotte
Pets & Animals
Let us know if you found us from Uncle Ben in the comments! Pondscapes of Charlotte is a Certified Aquascape Contractor that specializes in building and maintaining koi ponds, Pondless waterfalls, and fountainscapes. Our goal is to create natural looking man made ecosystems that change the lives of our customers and become home to many plants and animals. Some animals you can find in our water-features include koi, goldfish, turtles, frogs, tadpoles, crayfish, Bass, Dragon flies, birds and more. Some of our customers start off with a passion for aquariums that leads to a love for ponds. Ponds are full of life and provide a water source for natural animals to thrive in your yard. We share videos related to ponds and water features. If you would like a koi pond, pondless waterfall or fountainscape please feel free to contact us! We are located in the Charlotte, North Carolina region but will travel to build amazing one of a kind custom creations all over the world!