Rainhet Chaneru 3D
Hoi There, I am RainHet I like the rain and Creepy-cute things Join my journey to pay for rent with 3D modeling I'm also interested in 3D art in general, 3D art in Games, Environments, 2D illustration, Vtubing, VRChat and other VR games I even want to get into coding and game development! I'll be delving into Blender, Unity, Godot and side projects that involve 3D models in some way! I hope to not keep this channel strictly to avatar tutorials only Hope to watch you all grow with me! (this is my second channel btw) 0 Subscribers (10/10/2020) 1000 Subscribers (26/10/2020) 10000 Subscribers (15/10/2021) 20000 Subscribers (4/5/2023)