Rhonda Empson
Spiritual & Religious
My name is Rhonda Empson. I was woken up by the Lord in 2008. I always believed in God and His son Jesus but like many, I didn't have a relationship with God. After I began to know God and form a relationship with Him, I began to have dreams and visions...many dreams were healing messages for me...I learned to forgive and pray for those who had hurt me...The Lord has shown me much and I am completely humbled by the Amazing and Awesome God we serve and have the honor of calling FATHER... I share the dreams given to me in hopes they will encourage others...I always ask all those that listen to please pray for discernment. I am a fellow servant...The most important thing the Lord Jesus personally showed me is that HE is the ONLY way to the FATHER...He wants to KNOW you, to have a relationship with you...God bless each and every one of you...