Sailing Hiraeth
Travel & Events
HIRAETH [here-eye-th] Meaning: "A deep sense of longing, a yearning for that which has passed, a sense of homesickness tinged with grief or sorrow over the lost or departed". "A longing to be where your spirit lives". "A sense of homesickness, a deep longing to return to your ancestral home or yearning to be where your spirit belongs". All of our stories were getting old, and we wanted to be able to climb more and live more. So, with only a little previous sailing experience we sold the house, quit our jobs, and opted for a different lifestyle. We bought Hiraeth, a 1987, Wauquiez - Centurion 42 And we decided to document some of our new stories and share them with you guys here. We hope you enjoy joining us on our journeys, and if anyone finds any inspiration from these videos, that would be amazing!