TARZAN MotoVlogs
Autos & Vehicles
This content was filmed on a closed course. All content posted under this domain has neither any affiliation with its poster nor any relation to the rider portrayed in any way which includes, but is not limited to his or her likeness, location or personal identity. Some locations may have been modified to appear riders are riding somewhere they are not in order to be more relatable to certain viewer locations and or demographics. Thank you. (Below is something I wrote to go back to in the future for anyone who needs motivation - shortened to leave room for new update above) The channel name stands for The World is Yours. I hope that through uploading entertaining content while trying to provide value a long the way I can inspire people to do the things they want in life and believe in themselves. I started this channel with no support, no one from school, work, college or anyone else I knew in real life. If I can do this you have no excuse! (Message written at 2910 subs)