The Table With AO
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A #1 National bestselling author, Anthony O’Neal has helped over 250,000 people set out on a path towards a debt-free life with his chart-topping book Debt-Free Degree. He’s reached over 15 million people in 15 different countries through his show “The Table” where he always keeps it real, relevant, and relatable. Anthony aka AO. At the age of 19, was living in his car because he was pretending to be someone who he wasn't. He believed the lies that culture fed him and allowed it to manipulate his worldview regarding money and success. When he stopped lying about who he really was and embraced his authentic self, he was no longer lost and confused. Living your life to impress others will end in heartbreak. AO will help you find your authentic self by living a life based on a spiritual, financial, and mental freedom. You can rock with AO on IG: @anthonyoneal or online at Welcome to the family.