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How can I regain focus and grow my dog niche content after my YouTube channel was terminated?

After experiencing the highs of growing a YouTube channel to 16,000 subscribers, I faced the abrupt termination of my channel and have since struggled to find focus and regain my motivation. I've built a small community on TikTok, but I'm unsure if I should continue in the dog niche or venture into something new. I want to set small goals like reaching 10,000 followers, securing sponsorships, and finding alternative income streams. What strategies can I implement to stay focused and achieve these goals?

Answers (5)

One great strategy is to leverage affiliate marketing. You could create content featuring your dogs and include affiliate links for products you actually use and recommend. This way, your audience gets valuable recommendations, and you could earn a commission on sales. For instance, if you showcase a toy that your dog loves, you can link to it on Amazon or other platforms. Just make sure to be transparent with your audience about affiliate links.
Setting small, achievable goals can help maintain focus. For instance, aim for a specific number of posts each week or a target number of new followers each month. This way, you can celebrate small wins along the way, which will help keep your motivation up. Keeping a content calendar might also help you stay organized and consistent, especially since you mentioned burnout from juggling multiple responsibilities.
Don't overlook the power of repurposing your content! I highly recommend uploading your TikTok videos to YouTube. There are simple ways to download your TikTok videos without the watermark, and you can use various websites for that. This process saves you time and allows you to grow your YouTube channel without having to create entirely new content. Plus, it keeps your audience engaged across platforms.
Definitely consider collaborating with others in the dog niche! I had someone reach out to me who was launching a store in this area, and we discussed potential partnerships. You could find brands that align with your content and reach out to them for sponsorships or collaboration opportunities. Building connections can lead to joint promotions or even sponsored content, which can be a great way to monetize your platform.
Consider diversifying your content formats. While TikTok is great for short, snappy videos, think about creating longer-form content on YouTube that dives deeper into your dog’s activities, training tips, or even fun challenges. This mixture can help attract a broader audience and give your followers more varied content to engage with, which can keep them coming back for more.

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