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What advice can help improve views on YouTube for struggling creators?

As someone who's recently re-entered the YouTube scene, I've learned a lot in just a month. I want to share some key pieces of advice that have helped me, and I believe they can be useful for others who are struggling to get views on their channels. What are some strategies or mindsets that can assist creators in improving their view counts?

Answers (2)

YouTube can often feel like a lottery, and it's important to accept that. You could spend hours making a fantastic video and still see minimal views. This realization can be disheartening, but I remind myself to view my channel as a portfolio. Each video is a showcase of my work that could eventually attract new subscribers. By focusing on the quality of every piece I create, I'm setting myself up for potential future success, regardless of immediate results.
One of the best pieces of advice I've received is to rewatch your own content. It might sound simple, but taking the time to reflect on your videos helps you see both the good and the areas for improvement. I often find myself enjoying my older videos despite their flaws, and this joy pushes me to create better content in the future.

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