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What are some actionable tips for becoming a better creator on YouTube?

As a seasoned creator on YouTube, I've learned many lessons over the years. From packaging your content to understanding audience expectations, there are several actionable steps you can take to enhance your channel and content. What are some specific strategies that can lead to better content and a more engaged audience?

Answers (3)

Consistency in your posting schedule is crucial, but it's important to find a balance that works for you. You don't need to post daily if it leads to burnout; instead, focus on quality. I've found that posting twice a month allows me to create higher-quality content without sacrificing my mental health. If you're struggling to keep up, it’s better to reduce the frequency than to pump out mediocre videos that don’t resonate with your audience.
Storytelling is vital in retaining your audience's attention. Every video should have a clear narrative structure—beginning, middle, and end. I often use the Hero’s Journey framework to create engaging narratives. For instance, if I'm showcasing a new hiking trail, I take my audience through the journey of discovering it, sharing my experiences, frustrations, and triumphs along the way. This approach invites viewers to connect with my journey and feel invested in the outcome.
One of the most critical aspects of being a better creator is nailing your packaging, which includes your thumbnail, title, and hook. Your thumbnail should be eye-catching yet simple, ideally containing no more than 3-4 elements. This is essential for grabbing attention, especially on mobile devices. A compelling title that plays on emotions can help, too. For instance, I once used the title 'CLAUSTROPHOBIA ENGAGE' for a spelunking video, which piqued interest and made viewers curious. The hook is equally important; it should grab viewers' attention within the first few seconds. Think of it as a teaser that sets the stage for what's to come.

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