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What are the biggest challenges faced by new content creators?

As a new content creator, I've faced numerous challenges while trying to establish my channel and grow my audience. I wanted to hear from fellow creators about their experiences. What specific struggles have you encountered, whether it's related to content creation, audience engagement, or technical skills?

Answers (6)

I often grapple with my output and feel like I'm always playing catch-up. For example, I stream a Pathfinder campaign weekly, which results in hours of footage. Editing it down into shorts and highlights is time-consuming, and there are times I wonder if my efforts are even worth it. It’s challenging to balance serialization while ensuring each piece of content feels fresh and engaging.
One of the biggest challenges I faced was marketing my content. I run a travel channel, and the niche is incredibly saturated. While we have made some progress, I constantly feel that we could be doing better in terms of reach and engagement. It can be quite daunting trying to stand out in a crowd when there are so many similar channels out there.
Creating short-form content like TikToks has also been a struggle. I get decent views on my longer videos, but I know that producing shorts could help me gain more subscribers. The challenge lies in the fact that I haven't yet mastered the art of crafting engaging, bite-sized content that resonates with viewers.
Deciding where to focus my content has been a major struggle. I have a passion for creating long-form media deep dives on older anime, but I also want to dive into funny gaming content. This internal conflict makes it tough to settle on a consistent theme or niche. Plus, the thought of scripting terrifies me, adding to my hesitation.
Balancing my full-time job with content creation has been exhausting. My job drains a lot of my energy, leaving me with little time to edit my videos. I'm also a bit of a control freak when it comes to my channel, which means I often hesitate to upload anything I'm not completely satisfied with. It's a constant juggle between my job and my passion.

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