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Are Shorts Effective for Building Subscriber Count on YouTube?

I've been experimenting with YouTube Shorts while primarily focusing on long-form content related to technical topics like hardware and coding. I've noticed a boost in my subscriber count from posting these short videos, but I'm curious about others' experiences. Do Shorts genuinely help in building a subscriber base, and what should I be aware of regarding viewer engagement with long-form content?

Answers (6)

Absolutely, I find that Shorts are a quick way to build your subscriber count. However, it's important to realize that the audience for Shorts is often different from those who enjoy long-form content. So while my subscriber numbers increased, I noticed that those subscribers typically don’t engage with my longer videos.
One strategy I've employed is to use the Shorts to direct viewers to my longer content. I include related videos in the description and use end cards to link to my longer clips. This way, I can convert some of the Shorts traffic into viewers for my long-form videos, which helps maintain engagement across my channel.
In my experience, the ratio is roughly one subscriber for every 1,000 views on a Short. It can vary a lot, though. I have around 182 subscribers, and surprisingly, most of my views come from non-subscribers. That means while Shorts can help boost your numbers, they don't necessarily translate to views on your longer videos.
While Shorts can help get your channel off the ground, they may not be the best strategy for sustained growth. I found that after my initial boost from Shorts, the majority of my new subscribers actually came from long-form content. It's crucial to balance both types of videos if you want to retain viewers who are genuinely interested in your niche.
I had a similar experience where a Minecraft Short I posted led to a spike in subscribers. The video was quirky and interactive, prompting viewers to comment. I ended up gaining about 100 subscribers from that one video alone. However, this doesn't mean these subscribers are interested in my other content, which is more technical.

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