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How can I manage comments in YouTube Studio without deleting or hiding them?

I'm trying to figure out how to remove a comment from the YouTube Studio without actually deleting it or hiding it from my channel. I just want it to be less visible in my comment management section. Is there a way to do this?

Answers (5)

If you want to keep your comments section clean, I recommend addressing the comment in your next video or post. You can mention that you’re moving away from certain topics, which can indirectly signal to viewers not to focus on that comment. This doesn’t remove it but gives the impression that it’s not relevant anymore.
I had a lightbulb moment with this! Instead of leaving a standard reply, I decided to respond with a blank text. You can insert an invisible character, which would make it seem as if you didn’t respond at all, but it effectively moves the comment out of the main view. This way, you don’t interact with it in a conventional manner.
One effective method I've discovered is to simply reply to the comment. By doing this, the comment will only show up in the 'Comments I’ve replied to' section, which makes it a bit less prominent. It’s a straightforward way to manage visibility without removing the comment entirely.
Another approach I've considered is to simply ignore the comment. While it won't remove it from the studio, over time, it will get buried under other comments. If you're not actively checking that specific comment, it can fade into the background.
I've also found that using the filters in YouTube Studio can help manage visibility. You can sort comments by their engagement or by recent activity, so if you’re not seeing a specific comment pop up, it can help keep your workspace uncluttered.

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