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How long did it take for your YouTube channel to gain rapid subscribers and views?

In your experience, how long did it take for your YouTube channel to start gaining significant traffic in terms of subscribers and views? What strategies or factors contributed to your growth, if any?

Answers (4)

It took me a while to get noticed at first, but once one of my videos hit 25k views, I gained almost 700 subscribers. After that, I released a compilation video and saw further growth.
My roommate took about a year to reach monetization, but after posting a video that went viral, he quickly gained over 1000 subscribers. Consistency and content quality were crucial.
I posted my first video and after a couple of months, one video exploded to 450k views. It took about 15 days for that video to start getting traction.
Initially, I was averaging only 15-60 views per day until March, but then my views surged to 1k-4k daily. It all starts off slow, but one popular video can really change things.

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