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How long does it typically take for a new YouTube channel to start gaining views?

I recently launched a YouTube channel focused on Reddit readings and reactions, posting around ten videos in just three days. However, I'm only getting about 2-3 views per video and I'm starting to feel concerned about this. What can I expect in terms of growth and how long does it usually take for channels like mine to start garnering views?

Answers (3)

One thing I learned was that quality matters more than quantity. If you're mass uploading videos in a saturated niche with generic titles and AI-generated thumbnails, you might be overlooked. Instead, focus on creating unique, high-quality content that adds value. Take your time to craft videos that stand out rather than just churning out content.
When I started my channel, I had a similar experience of low view counts initially. It's pretty normal for new channels to be in the single digits for views at first. YouTube's algorithm takes time to figure out who to show your videos to, and this can often mean a slow start for the first week or two. So, don't be too discouraged; it's part of the process.
I’ve noticed that channels that succeed often have some established following or a unique angle. If you're doing the same thing as others who are successful, it might be tougher to compete. The algorithm favors established creators, especially in crowded niches, which means you could be waiting longer to gain traction.

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