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Is My YouTube Channel Experiencing a Shadow Ban?

I've seen a drastic drop in views on my channel, going from 150-200 views per hour to just 10-20 views per hour almost overnight. I'm wondering if this is due to the 4th of July holiday in the US or if my channel might be shadow banned.

Answers (5)

There's no definitive evidence to suggest that you're shadow banned. Instead, think of your views in terms of a video’s life cycle. After the first 48 hours, many videos see a decline unless they continue to attract attention. It's vital to create content that encourages ongoing engagement.
In my experience, the performance of videos often follows a life cycle. Initially, you might see a surge of views, but then it tends to taper off after a couple of days. If your recent videos were released around the holiday, that could also contribute to the drop in views. Keep monitoring your analytics closely for patterns.
From my experience, it's important to consider that the drop in views could simply be a result of the holiday week in the US. Many people are out celebrating and spending time with family, which naturally leads to fewer viewers online. It's not uncommon for viewership to fluctuate based on seasonal events.
I've noticed something similar with my own channel. The YouTube algorithm can be unpredictable. One day it might favor your content, and the next day it seems to ignore it completely. This inconsistency can be frustrating, but it's part of the platform's nature. Just keep producing quality content and engaging with your audience.
While it might feel like your content is being punished, it's more likely that the algorithm is just tough on smaller channels. If a video doesn't gain traction quickly, it may stop being recommended altogether. I've had videos that performed poorly initially but picked up later, so don't lose hope just yet.

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