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Why Do Many YouTubers Believe They Are Shadow Banned?

It seems like I come across discussions about YouTubers feeling shadow banned on a daily basis. What leads creators to think that their content is being suppressed, and are there underlying reasons for this perception?

Answers (6)

I had a phase where I went from thousands of views to literally zero overnight. I didn’t repurpose content; I focused on quality. It was disheartening, and I questioned if I was shadow banned. The reality is, YouTube’s algorithm can be unpredictable, and sometimes it’s just about how the platform decides to circulate videos.
YouTube's recommendation system is a complex beast, and even those who built it might not fully understand it. I create prepper-related content, and I've noticed fluctuations in my views that feel suspicious. Sometimes, despite putting out great content, you just don’t get the reach you expect, which can lead to those feelings of being shadow banned.
I've seen creators with a decent following claim they felt shadow banned, and it makes me wonder. For instance, a popular figure in the b-movie niche said they were shadow banned, but honestly, I think their content has just become stale. It’s tough for creators to admit that their content may not be as fresh or engaging anymore.
I think a lot of creators struggle to accept that their content might not be resonating with audiences. It's much easier to blame YouTube's algorithms for low views than to confront the reality that their videos may not be appealing. Many people just expect quick success and get discouraged when it doesn't happen, which can lead them to think they're being shadow banned.
New creators often ask if they’re shadow banned simply because they don't know how the platform works. It’s important to remember that many are genuinely trying to understand why their views are low. I was there too when I started, and it can be frustrating to see others climb the ranks more quickly.

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