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What are effective strategies for promoting my YouTube channel and understanding the algorithm?

I've recently restarted my YouTube channel and I'm looking for effective ways to promote my content. I’m unsure if my current promotion strategies are sufficient, as I've been using social media like Twitter and Bluesky to share my videos. Additionally, I've noticed fluctuations in my view counts based on video length, and I'm confused about the algorithm's role in this. What are some tips for promoting my channel and what should I expect from the algorithm?

Answers (4)

One of the best pieces of advice I've received is to keep posting videos regularly and experiment with different formats and styles. Don't be afraid to try out new ideas for your titles and descriptions. This continual experimentation will not only help you understand what resonates with your audience but also improve your content over time. The more you upload, the better you'll get and you'll start to see your subscriber count grow.
Focusing on YouTube exclusively for promotion can be very beneficial. Instead of spreading yourself too thin across multiple platforms, concentrate on making each video slightly better than the last. This iterative process can lead to significant growth over time. I've found that by committing to improvement and consistency, my subscriber count has increased exponentially.
It's important to recognize that our own opinions about our videos can be biased. What you might perceive as a 'bad' video may actually resonate with viewers. To truly gauge your content's performance, closely observe the engagement metrics. Are viewers watching until the end? Are they leaving comments? These insights can help you understand how your videos are being received.
When it comes to sharing your videos in places like subreddits, it's crucial to be mindful of the community guidelines. While it may feel strange to promote your content, if done thoughtfully, it can be effective. Engage with the community first—comment on other posts, contribute to discussions, and then share your videos when relevant. This builds rapport and makes others more receptive to your content.

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