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What are the best strategies for titling my YouTube videos on precious metals?

I'm struggling to determine the best approach to titling my YouTube videos, which focus on stacking and investing in precious metals. My channel features longform podcast-style content, and I've noticed varying view counts with no clear pattern based on my title format. I’m considering two title options for my next episode and would love advice on which might perform better or if I should explore other strategies.

Answers (5)

One thing I've learned is to keep your titles concise yet informative. While being descriptive is essential, you don't want to overwhelm potential viewers with overly long titles. Both of your options are quite informative, but if they feel too lengthy, you might consider streamlining them to make them more digestible at a glance.
Another strategy I've employed is to analyze what titles my competitors are using successfully. Pay attention to other channels in the precious metals niche and see which of their titles are receiving the most views. This can give you clues on effective phrasing and terminology that resonates with your audience.
In my experience, the title can significantly impact how well a video performs. I've found that questions often engage viewers more effectively because they stimulate curiosity. For instance, 'Should you stack Numismatic and Collectible Silver & Gold Coins?' is likely to pique interest as it sounds like you're addressing a common dilemma, drawing viewers in to find out more.
It might also be beneficial to experiment with trending keywords related to your niche. Using tools like Google Trends can help you identify what potential viewers are searching for. If 'stacking' or 'collectible coins' is trending, incorporating those keywords into your title could enhance visibility.
Consistency is key, too. I’ve noticed that maintaining a recognizable format can help build your brand. So, if you find a title style that works well, consider using it as a template for future videos. This can help your audience recognize your content more easily.

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