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Why do some YouTubers include subtitles in their videos?

I've noticed that many popular YouTubers, even those who speak English fluently, tend to include subtitles in their videos. Is there a good reason behind this practice, and how does it benefit both the creators and the viewers?

Answers (6)

Subtitles enhance the viewing experience by making my videos watchable in various environments. Whether someone is watching in bed at night, on a train, or in a noisy environment, having subtitles ensures they can still engage with the content without relying solely on audio.
I’ve found that subtitles can greatly assist viewers who may struggle with accents. Even when I speak English, regional accents can sometimes make it challenging for some viewers to follow along. By providing subtitles, I ensure that my message is clear, regardless of the listener's background.
One of the primary reasons I include subtitles in my videos is to make them accessible to a broader audience. This includes individuals who are hearing impaired, as subtitles provide them with the opportunity to enjoy and understand the content just like everyone else.
There’s also an interesting theory I've come across regarding how subtitles can impact searchability on YouTube. When captions are generated through YouTube's tools, they can function as keywords that might help my videos rank better in search results, making them more discoverable.
There are moments when I want to watch videos but either can't or don't want to have the audio on. Subtitles allow me to enjoy the content in situations where sound isn’t an option, like when I’m in a public place or trying to keep the volume low at night.

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