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What Matters More for Monetized YouTube Channels: Views or Watch Hours?

I've been pondering the importance of views versus watch hours for monetized YouTube channels. Many creators suggest that YouTube pays based on ads rather than views alone. If a viewer watches a 10-minute video and sees multiple ads during that time, wouldn't watch hours be more crucial for revenue generation than just the view count? What are your thoughts on this?

Answers (2)

I've noticed that my own analytics reflect this idea. For example, I might have around 5,000 views a day, but if my watch hours are between 2,000 and 2,500, that indicates a deeper engagement from my audience. This engagement not only boosts my revenue through ads but also signals to YouTube’s algorithm that my content is worth promoting.
From my experience, I can say that watch hours are indeed more critical than view counts, especially when your videos are over 8 minutes long. This is because you have the option to place ads at various points throughout your video. Each ad that a viewer watches contributes to your overall ad revenue, so the longer they stay engaged, the more ads they see.

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