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What should I do if my YouTube channel is banned for spam or deceptive practices?

I recently started a YouTube channel to share my jigsaw puzzle creations and timelapse videos, but I woke up to find my channel banned for violations of YouTube's spam and deceptive practices policy. I believe I complied with all guidelines, and I’ve appealed the decision. Is there anything else I can do? Could this be related to my content being shared on TikTok?

Answers (6)

I've noticed a pattern where several new YouTubers have been banned recently for similar reasons, and many of them also posted content on TikTok. It’s not a coincidence; it appears that YouTube's system may be overly sensitive when it comes to content that exists on multiple platforms. If you suspect this is the case, mention it in your appeal to provide context.
I've seen many creators post the same short videos across multiple platforms, including Instagram. Some successful YouTubers do this without issue, but it appears that new channels might be more vulnerable to bans. If you're thinking of continuing this strategy, it might be worth diversifying your content to avoid potential pitfalls.
While it might seem like a good strategy to cross-promote content on TikTok and YouTube, it can backfire. I've attempted to share snippets of my YouTube videos on TikTok, and I ended up getting banned from TikTok without warning. It's possible that both platforms are cracking down on the same content being shared, leading to bans for creators like us.
If you feel like your content is unique and there's little competition, it's possible that the algorithm is incorrectly flagging you for being 'too similar' to other videos. I would recommend doing some research on other channels in your niche and ensuring your titles, descriptions, and tags are distinct from theirs to help mitigate this risk.
From my experience, it seems like YouTube's AI may have mistakenly flagged your content, especially since you also uploaded similar videos on TikTok. The platform's algorithms are designed to combat spam and may misinterpret legitimate content as spam if it detects identical videos across platforms. It's crucial to appeal the decision, as a human reviewer may recognize the mistake.

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