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Why is YouTube suggesting my videos alongside unrelated content?

I've been diving into my YouTube analytics and noticed something strange. When I check the 'content suggesting this video' section, it seems like my videos are being recommended next to content that's completely unrelated to my niche. Has anyone else experienced this, and what could be the reason behind it?

Answers (4)

I've noticed that YouTube is actively trying to find an audience for my content, even if it doesn't fit perfectly within my niche. Sometimes, they might think that viewers of unrelated videos could still enjoy what I offer. It's all about casting a wider net to see who might engage with my content.
From my experience, it seems that YouTube's algorithm might suspect that there are shared audiences between my videos and those unrelated ones. There are limited spots for related videos, and since most are taken by larger channels, YouTube tries to find the best fit for smaller creators like us.
There's an interesting concept in algorithms called 'The Multi-armed Bandit'. It explains that when trying to maximize results (like video views), you have to explore different options. YouTube may use a strategy called 'Epsilon-greedy', which means they sometimes promote my video randomly to test its performance against unrelated content.
I run a channel focused on aquariums, and I had a video that was being featured alongside content about gynecological examinations. It really highlighted how unpredictable YouTube's algorithms can be. Sometimes, they just don't make logical connections, and you end up in a bizarre context.

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