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Why isn't my video appearing on my YouTube channel page?

I've recently uploaded a video that shows up in search results, but it doesn't appear on my channel page. This has made me really anxious, and I'm wondering if anyone else has faced this issue. What could be causing this, and how can I resolve it?

Answers (4)

Sometimes, there can be a delay in YouTube processing videos. I’ve experienced this myself where a video was searchable but took a while to appear on my channel page. If your video is new, it might just need some time to fully process and show up in all locations, including your channel page.
Another factor to consider is the privacy settings of your video. When I uploaded a video, I accidentally set it to 'private' instead of 'public'. As a result, it didn't appear on my channel page, even though it was searchable. Double-check your video settings to ensure it's set to 'public' for maximum visibility.
One possibility that I've encountered is related to copyright claims. I once had a video that didn't show up on my channel page, and it turned out to have a copyright claim associated with it. While YouTube mentioned that the claim wouldn't affect the video's views, it still didn't appear on my channel, which was super frustrating. It's worth checking your video for any copyright issues that might be affecting its visibility.
I think the content of your video might be influencing its visibility. In one of my videos, I used the word 'pee' in the first 15 seconds, and I included the word in the filename too. Even though the video didn't contain any inappropriate content, I felt like YouTube might have flagged it for being borderline inappropriate. This made me wonder if certain keywords might be causing the video to not show up prominently on my channel.

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