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Can I create a new YouTube channel after my old one gets banned?

If my YouTube channel gets banned or suspended, is it possible to create a new channel with a different Google account? Will YouTube be able to link the new account to the banned one and ban it immediately, or can I operate under the radar without any issues?

Answers (6)

Some users have also mentioned attempting to appeal their bans but found the process frustrating and unhelpful. YouTube's support can be notoriously difficult to navigate, and it often feels like you're shouting into a void. If you’re serious about your content, it might be worth documenting everything and trying to reach out through different channels, like Twitter or YouTube's help forums.
Another consideration is that if you do manage to create a new channel and it starts gaining traction, you might inadvertently attract more scrutiny. The more visibility you have, the more likely it is that YouTube will investigate your account history. This could lead to a situation where you find yourself banned again, which can be incredibly disheartening.
To fly under the radar, some users suggest using a completely new SIM card and phone number for your new Google account. However, even that isn't foolproof. YouTube requires a phone number for verification, and they can link back to your old account through various data points. It's a bit of a cat-and-mouse game, and the likelihood of getting caught is significant.
There are anecdotal stories of people who have created new channels after being banned, and their channels operated without issues. This could be due to various factors, such as the methods they used to create the new account or simply luck. However, I wouldn't rely on that as a strategy; the risk of facing another ban is always looming.
It's important to understand the difference between being banned and suspended. If your account is just suspended, you might have a chance to appeal and get it back. However, if you're banned, it's pretty much a permanent mark against you. Some people have claimed they were able to create new channels after being banned, but there’s always a risk that YouTube will catch on and ban you again.

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