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Should I create one YouTube channel or separate ones for my diverse content?

I'm considering starting a YouTube channel focused on learning foreign languages, but I also want to create video essays and music covers. Given the differences in content, should I keep everything on one channel or create separate channels for each type?

Answers (6)

There's been some confusion about YouTube's policies on creating multiple channels. While it used to be easier to manage several channels under one account, the recent changes may limit this. If you can still create multiple channels, I’d suggest doing so to keep your content organized and your audience targeted.
If you're unsure about how often you'll be posting music covers, it's okay to start with one channel. You can easily add a music section later on if it becomes a regular part of your content. However, if you anticipate a steady stream of music content, I would recommend creating a dedicated channel from the start.
I believe separating your music covers from your language and video essay content is a wise decision. The audiences for these genres are likely different, and having such varying content on one channel could confuse viewers. If your music videos don’t align with the expectations set by your educational content, you might find that neither genre performs well.
Keep in mind that each YouTube channel has its own monetization requirements. This means that if monetization is a goal for you, both channels will need to meet the YouTube Partner Program rules independently. This can add an extra layer of complexity if you decide to go the route of multiple channels.
When deciding whether to divide your efforts, consider how consistently you plan to post each type of content. If you’re committed to regularly creating music covers, a separate channel would allow you to cater specifically to that audience. However, if music is just a side project, you might be fine posting a few covers on your main channel.

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