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Do I Need to Pay Guests for Interviews on My YouTube Channel?

I'm planning to start a YouTube channel and I want to invite guests for interviews. My main concern is whether I need to pay them for their time or if I can invite them for free. What are the general expectations around compensation for guests in this context?

Answers (4)

If you're aiming to invite more well-known figures or celebrities, it's likely that they will expect some form of compensation. This could be a monetary payment or some other arrangement, like promoting their work. It's always best to inquire directly and see what the individual guest's expectations are.
You also have to consider the nature of your content. If your channel is educational and aims to reduce stigma around mental health, many guests might appreciate the opportunity to contribute to a cause they’re passionate about, which could lead them to participate for free.
Honestly, you don't have to pay your guests if you don't want to. Many creators start out by reaching out to people who are passionate about the same topics and are willing to share their insights for free. Just make sure to clearly communicate the value they might get from being on your channel, such as exposure or networking opportunities.
In my experience, many professionals in niche fields, like mental health specialists, may be open to guest appearances on a volunteer basis, especially if your channel aligns with their mission. For instance, if you’re looking to discuss bipolar disorder, a peer specialist might be interested in sharing their story for the sake of advocacy rather than for payment.

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