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What should I do after my YouTube channel got demonetized?

I recently faced the unfortunate situation of having my YouTube channel with 10,000 subscribers demonetized. I'm confused about whether my AdSense account is also disabled since it was linked to that channel. Can I use the same AdSense account for a new channel, or do I need to set up a new one?

Answers (6)

Make sure you check if you meet the requirements for monetization again, which includes having at least 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months and 1,000 subscribers. If your previous channel was demonetized due to inactivity or lack of engagement, these factors could impact your new channel as well. Consistently uploading quality content is key to regaining monetization eligibility.
If you do decide to create a new channel, I recommend starting fresh with a clear content strategy. This means planning out your content calendar and engaging with your audience consistently. Inactivity can lead to demonetization, so keep your channel active with regular uploads.
Additionally, it can be beneficial to diversify your content and explore different niches that you’re passionate about. By doing so, you can attract a broader audience and potentially increase your watch hours and subscriber count, which are essential for monetization.
Lastly, if you’re worried about the potential for another demonetization, consider seeking feedback from other creators or joining communities focused on YouTube growth. They can provide insights and strategies that have worked for them, helping you navigate the complexities of YouTube monetization.
When a channel gets demonetized, it's crucial to understand that your AdSense account is generally not disabled automatically. You can still use the same AdSense account for a new channel, provided that the AdSense account itself remains in good standing. However, it's a good idea to carefully review YouTube's Terms and Conditions regarding monetization to ensure that there are no violations that could affect your AdSense eligibility.

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