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Do Longer YouTube Videos Generate More Revenue?

As a content creator looking to launch a new channel focused on in-depth topics, I'm curious about the relationship between video length and revenue. I'm planning videos that will exceed 20 minutes, but I'm wondering if longer videos actually lead to higher earnings. Specifically, do 1-hour videos make significantly more money than 40-minute ones, assuming viewer retention is similar? Is there a point where increasing video length no longer boosts revenue?

Answers (3)

In my experience, longer videos can indeed generate more revenue, but it largely depends on the content and the audience. For instance, finance channels often have higher CPMs (cost per mille) compared to gaming channels, which means that the type of content you're creating can influence your earnings significantly. If your audience finds value in the longer format and stays engaged, you can definitely see a revenue increase.
From my perspective, there's a tipping point for video length. While longer videos can theoretically earn more, if they exceed what your audience is willing to watch, you might not see as much of a return. In my case, I've found that videos around 30 to 60 minutes tend to maintain viewer interest better, leading to higher overall retention and thus better revenue.
I've noticed that videos around the 15-minute mark seem to perform well because they allow for multiple ad placements without losing viewer interest. Once you exceed that 20-minute threshold, you can add mid-roll ads, which can significantly boost your income. However, it's crucial that the content justifies the length; otherwise, viewers may drop off.

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