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How can I create faceless YouTube videos like 'Productive Setups'?

I'm interested in making faceless YouTube videos similar to the channel 'Productive Setups'. I've seen how they use animations and overlays effectively, and I want to learn how to achieve that. What tools and techniques can I use to create engaging content without showing my face?

Answers (4)

For animation where the character's mouth moves in sync with your voice, you can use specialized software. There are paid tools available that help create live avatars that animate based on your speech. This can add a unique touch to your videos.
To create faceless videos similar to 'Productive Setups', I recommend starting with screen recording software. This allows you to capture your screen while showing various elements you want to discuss. You can add images and text overlays in post-production to enhance your videos.
If you're looking for editing software, I suggest trying CapCut. It's user-friendly and allows you to customize backgrounds, animate text, and add overlays easily. You can also adjust the background color to suit your video's theme, which can make your content visually appealing.
For more advanced editing, Da Vinci Resolve is a fantastic option. It offers more complex editing tools and features that can help you create videos similar to the ones you're inspired by. However, keep in mind that it requires a PC to run.

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