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How Do YouTubers Typically Handle Revenue Splitting in Collaborations?

I am planning to collaborate with other YouTubers but I'm unsure about the etiquette surrounding revenue sharing. Do YouTubers commonly split the revenue from collaborative videos? How does this work, especially when there's a significant disparity in viewer counts between the collaborators? What are the best practices and norms in the YouTube community regarding this?

Answers (5)

I prefer collaborations where both parties contribute to their own channels. This way, it creates a gentleman's agreement where each creator retains their audience's revenue, which avoids the complications of revenue sharing.
Generally speaking, the norm is that YouTubers do not share revenue from collabs. Instead, it's seen as a mutually beneficial arrangement, where both gain access to new viewers and subscribers.
Collaboration typically revolves around mutual benefits, where both creators produce content for their respective channels without the expectation of splitting revenue. The focus is on fun and reaching new audiences.
If you're planning interviews or podcasts, consider that both creators can use the content for their channels. This allows both to promote each other effectively while keeping their own AdSense revenue intact.
In my experience, most YouTubers do not split revenue from collaboration videos. The primary goal of collaborating is to gain additional exposure for both channels, rather than to share earnings.

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