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Why is revenue for kids' content on YouTube so low?

I've recently been monetized and was surprised to find that my earnings for kids' content are only 0.2 USD per 1000 views, much lower than the expected 0.8 to 1 USD. Is this a common experience among other creators of kids' content, and what factors contribute to this low revenue?

Answers (4)

The geographical location of your viewers also plays a crucial role in revenue. Although your top location is the US, if a significant portion of your views comes from other countries, the ad rates might be lower compared to views from higher-paying markets.
Another reason for the lower earnings is the nature of the audience. Kids tend to watch a wide variety of content, which can lead to higher view counts but lower engagement from advertisers who are looking for specific demographics. This broad appeal may not translate into higher ad revenue.
One major factor contributing to the low revenue for kids' content is the lack of targeted ads. Since YouTube cannot collect data from children due to legal restrictions, advertisers are unable to target their ads based on viewer interests. This means that the ads shown are less valuable, resulting in lower earnings.
Marking videos as 'made for kids' can significantly impact revenue, with drops ranging from 50% to 80%. This is because when videos are categorized this way, they mostly serve non-targeted ads, which have a lower payout compared to targeted ads that reach specific demographics.

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