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How long does it typically take to produce a YouTube video?

I'm curious about the time investment for creating YouTube videos. From scripting to filming and editing, how long does it take you to make a video? Do different types of videos require more time?

Answers (4)

For me, it really varies based on the type of videos I'm creating. I typically have two formats: shorter videos that run about 10 to 11 minutes and longer, more in-depth ones that can be around 20 minutes. The shorter videos usually take me about a day to complete, while the longer ones can take me around 3 to 4 days. A significant portion of that time is dedicated to research rather than actual production.
I focus on narrating real voice stories, and my videos usually target a length of 20 to 30 minutes. The actual recording and editing process takes me roughly 5 hours, while I spend an additional 3 hours on planning, scripting, and creating thumbnails. It's a faceless channel, so a lot of the work goes into ensuring the narration is engaging.
As an animator, my process is a bit more prolonged. I create short animated skits, which take me about a month to a month and a half to complete. Being self-taught, I often find myself taking longer than I'd like, but I’ve noticed I'm becoming more efficient with each new video I produce.
For my comedy sketches that I post as Shorts, the entire process takes about 5 hours on average. This time includes everything from script writing to filming, editing, and organizing the various files involved in the project. I'm still learning how to edit faster, so that time might decrease in the future.

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