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How Strict is the Copyright Enforcement for UFC/MMA Channels on YouTube?

I'm considering starting a YouTube channel focused on UFC and MMA documentaries, but I'm concerned about the copyright issues that might arise. I've heard that channels in this niche face strict enforcement from the UFC, similar to other sports like football. If anyone has experience running a successful UFC channel or can share insights on navigating these copyright challenges, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Answers (4)

Another approach that several successful UFC channels use is to heavily edit their footage. This can include filtering the video, altering the speed, or adding animation effects to make it less recognizable to the automated systems used by UFC for copyright enforcement.
From my experience, the UFC is known for being very aggressive with copyright claims. I’ve seen creators get their content flagged almost instantly after uploading. One strategy that seems to work is to use still images or screenshots from fights rather than video clips, which can help you avoid immediate Content ID claims.
In addition to editing, some channels focus more on commentary or analysis. By providing significant commentary over fight clips, they can argue that their content is transformative, which may help in disputes over copyright claims.
I’ve also noticed that many creators will first upload their videos as unlisted and wait to see if they get hit by Content ID. This way, they can make adjustments before publishing them publicly. It’s a bit of a risk, but it helps to know what will trigger a claim.

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