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Should I include 'vlog' in my video titles and thumbnails?

As a content creator who sometimes blends vlogs with other types of videos, I'm curious about the impact of including the word 'vlog' in my titles and thumbnails. Would doing so attract more viewers, or is it better to focus on more specific titles, like 'how to winterize your van'?

Answers (4)

From my experience, it's crucial to highlight the most interesting aspect of your video in both the title and thumbnail. Instead of solely relying on the word 'vlog', consider what unique or engaging story you want to tell in that particular video. For instance, if something exciting happened during your day, make that the focus in your title and thumbnail. This will grab attention more effectively than just labeling it as a vlog.
Engagement is key. I’ve experimented with different types of titles and noticed that titles that pose a question or tease an experience tend to receive more clicks. Instead of just using 'vlog', try something like 'Join Me as I Winterize My Van!' This approach invites viewers into the experience and makes them more likely to click.
I've found that using the word 'vlog' can sometimes pigeonhole your content. If your channel features a mix of vlogs and informative videos, like tutorials, it might be better to use descriptive titles that reflect the content directly. This way, viewers know exactly what to expect, and you can attract a wider audience interested in specific topics.
Thumbnails are just as important as titles. If you decide to use 'vlog', make sure your thumbnail reflects a compelling moment from your day that aligns with the title. Bright, clear images with engaging expressions can draw viewers in, regardless of whether 'vlog' is part of the title.

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